Our Purpose
Founded in 1933, the Greater Lawrence Italian Women’s Club has spent the past 90 years dedicated to teaching, learning, and serving the community. In 2023 we celebrated 90 years!
Meetings are 6 times per year, the first Tuesday of October through December and Mach through May.
As part of our clubs purpose, there is a program for each of the meetings based on a topic of interest. Some programs are lead by members. These fulfill both our teaching and learning purposes.
Each meeting members are asked to bring a donation which is then collected and given to a local community group for distribution to those less fortunate.
Throughout the year, we hold various fundraisers with the goal of awarding local high school graduates of Italian descent scholarships towards their higher education costs.
May is the meeting where we award scholarships to Merrimack Valley high school seniors, who are of Italian descent, and plan to or have enrolled in a 4 year college program in the fall.
Standing Committees and Chairwomen:
Hospitality: Louise Carvalho
Ways and Means: Committee Run
Scholarship: Maureen Zonghetti & Linda Small
Communications: Kathy Mancini
Programs: Committee Run
Membership: Carol DiStefano & Lennie DiGeorgio
Charity & Sunshine: Phyllis Leary & Connie Moses
Religion: Ursula Nicholas
Publicity: Krista Morton
Website: Kathy Mancini
President: Kathy Mancini
Immediate Past Presidents: Louise Carvalho & Carol DiStefano
Secretary: auto recorded
Treasurer: Carol DiStefano
Auditor: Carmela Cutuli